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In a nutshell

Public services in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy and Carinthia, Austria are working together through the Bio-Crime project to prevent the illegal trade in animals. Such trade is endangering human and animal health by facilitating the spread of diseases and threatening economic security and public safety. 

The border regions of north-east Italy and southern Austria are on the transit route for the illegal trade in pets (mainly dogs, cats and birds), mostly from countries in eastern Europe. This illegal practice can help spread zoonoses – infectious diseases, such as rabies or avian chlamydiosis – which are transferred between animals and humans. 

This transnational crime also has negative impacts for animal health and welfare, market protection (for national breeders), consumer fraud, and the possible use of zoonotic pathogens in bioterrorism. The Bio-Crime team has enabled joint responses, sharing of data, and training and education programmes for both the authorities concerned and the wider public. Digital innovations were an important aspect of the project, which was supported by the European Regional Development Fund.


A strong network of cooperation has been set up among the public authorities, including health services, police, customs and the judiciary, to ensure the project remains sustainable. 

  • Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (Link);

  • Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezia (IZSVe) (Link);

  • Area Science Park (Link);

  • Land Carinthia KWF (Link);

  • WOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health (Link)

  • European Commission (Link);

  • OCCRP - Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, The Canine connection (Link);

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) Private Pet Animal's on private vehicles (Link);

  • Interreg Net (Link);

  • EurekAlert (Link);

  • Youtube Biocrime channel (Link);

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